Lottery is an arrangement in which prizes are allocated to individuals through a process that relies wholly on chance. The basic elements of a lottery include some means of recording the identities of bettors and the amount they stake, some way to shuffle and record the resulting selections, and a method for determining whether a bettor has won. Often, bettors write their names on a ticket or receipt that is deposited with the lottery organization for later shuffling and selection. In addition, many lotteries have merchandising arrangements with brand-name products that are popular with the public and attract interest.
The events in the short story portrayed by Jackson seem to condemn humanity’s hypocrisy and evil-nature. The villagers are described as “greeting one another and exchanging bits of gossip… manhandling each other without a flinch of pity.” (Shirley 281). The reader expects the lottery to be advantageous in some way for the villagers; however, nothing of value is achieved from this practice of lottery.
During the first draw, the lottery participants have a sense of apprehension because they do not know what the prize will be. This feeling is strengthened by the fact that all of them are seated in the same room. In addition, when Tessie protests the entire atmosphere becomes tense as everyone else waits with anticipation to see what she will get. The end of the story shows that no one can be trusted and people are always deceitful, even those who appear to be friendly and warm.